A new generation of financial structure with permissioned blockchain for the Funds and Alternative Investments industry
Action Monkey is a Web3 Tokenization and Investments Marketplace Platform for Alternative Funds and Real Estate and Renewable Assets
Crypto native services provider for virtual assets. Permissioned Decentralized finance platform for security tokens.
Natives in Investment Banking, Corporate Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions, Private Equity and Venture Capital, and also in Blockchain and Crypto, and experts in the sectors in which we operate, Real Estate, Hotels, Companies, Investments and Alternative Financing, and Financial Services.
Disintermediate and automate the management and distribution of alternative investment funds, Real Estate and Renewable assets, facilitating the sale and liquidity in illiquid markets.
We provide access to liquidity for Private Debt and Capital Markets, fragmented with respect to both investment opportunities and investors, and usually restricted to certain investment thresholds.
We tokenize assets, in the form of equity, debt, or funds; using a dezentralised assets digital asset smart contract protocol for financial digital assets; covering the total lifecycle of a digital asset.
We provide access to investments in a new financial infrastructure through crypto funds in a compliance environment
Modernising the Fund, Wealth management, and Alternative investment industry
Create an efficient new financial infrastructure on a common, automated, all-party platform for the funds, and wealth management industry, and the private capital and debt markets with permissioned blockchain in an environment of compliance and trust
Action Monkey, Permissioned DeFi Platform, solves some of the challenges of the Private Capital Market and Cryptoassets industry, such as scalability, automation, interoperability, and access to liquidity.
It uses blockchain technology and decentralized smart contract protocols for Security Tokens, taking advantage of their efficiency, transferability, and transparency, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, incorporating control and compliance functions required by regulation.
Tokenization is as disruptive for the financial sector as much as it was internet for the press. Digital tokens represent a revolutionary disruption for economic activities, with potential applications of use in multiple sectors, and being used on a massive scale.
Among the benefits of Tokenization are that increases the efficiency in investments and transactions, the simplification the financial markets in only one infrastructure, saving of costs around 50%, reducing lead times, increases transparency, and provides liquidity and a 24/7 market. At the same time, it facilitates the syndication and the access to investments, as well as the financial inclusion.
Join a new generation of financial infrastructure for Alternative investments and financing with access to an automatic liquidity protocol
Welcome to the future of Private Capital Markets
(*) Disclaimer: Investing in crypto assets and digital assets («Tokens») is not regulated. It is generally aimed at qualified investors and may not be suitable for retail investors, and the total amount invested may be lost. It is important to read and understand the risks of these investments. The tokens that can be acquired will not be held by entities legally authorized to provide investment services, unless otherwise stated, and the distributed ledger technology that is intended to be used («Blockchain») is novel and may carry significant risks. (See the Terms and Conditions section for a more detailed description of the associated risks)